Slovak Wheat Weaving (45-60min)
Wheat weaving has been traced back to ancient times and has always been associated with joyful festivals that occurred and harvest time. In many countries it was believed that a spirit resided in the grain so that at harvest the last handful of choice grain was gathered and was woven into a thanksgiving symbol to be carefully preserved and hung in the home until the following spring. Students complete one or two small heart shaped projects.
Since straw was available in every household and it was one of the most popular materials to create various seasonal decorations including Christmas ornaments. Straw has a special religious meaning, because Jesus was born in a stable on a bed of straw. Straw ornaments stand out against the green branches of the tree at Christmas. One of the favorite designs is a star of Bethlehem. Folk artists work with three different kinds of straw: round straw, flat ironed straw or straw cut in half and ironed.